E X T R A C T  
  V.Theodoropoulou, GAME WORTH THE CANDLE, novel  
     On the evening of Maundy Thursday, when I went out to get a couple of pizzas from the Italian restaurant on the corner, I felt as though Emily and I were the sole survivors in this deserted city. How many others, I wondered, had lost track of time in love that week?

      The regulars’ faces and restaurateur’s insistence on the receipt that simply had to go into the bag with my pizzas was all the answer I needed: no one! And it had been so long since I’d drawn my lips across the marvels of a woman’s body with the yearning of the sole survivor, that come dawn the bag with the pizzas on the trunk at the foot of my bed was like the depressing remains of a wrecked ship’s cargo, and Emily’s tranquil breathing lying at my side spoke in the most beautiful way of the relief survivors feel.